Fleas, Bees, Birds and Trees As I went walking I saw a flea I saw a flea sitting on a bee But that is not all That I could see. As I went walking I saw a flea on a bee Sitting on a bird. But that is not all I saw or heard. I saw a flea On a bee On a bird Sitting in a tree. But that is not all That I could see. I saw a flea On a bee On a bird In a tree. The tree was In the woods By a river bank. I saw the tree fall in But it never sank. But that is not all That I could see. I saw a flea On a bee On a bird In a tree In the woods By a river bank. The tree fell in But it never sank. I saw that tree Float out to sea. But that is not all That I could see. I saw a flea On a bee On a bird In a tree In the woods By a river bank. The tree fell in But it never sank. Then that tree Floated out to sea. I watched that tree Sail out of sight In the glow Of the pale moonlight. But that is not all That I could see. As I watched In the pale moonlight The tree sailed back Into my sight. I saw that tree Float back to me. But that is not all That I could see. I saw that tree Float back to me. It sailed up river But it never sank. I saw it get stuck In the river bank. But that is not all That I could see. I saw that tree Float back to me. It sailed up river But it never sank. Then it got stuck In the river bank. I saw the flea jump from the bee I saw the bee jump from the bird I saw the bird jump from the tree But that is not all That I could see. I saw the flea And the bee And the bird Flying off Into the trees. The only one left That I could see Was me. So I sat on the tree And floated out to sea. I sailed out of sight In the pale moonlight, Now all I can see Is the water in The deep blue sea.

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If I Had Ears If I had ears like an elephant I could hear things that others can't. (insert picture of a small boy with elephant ears) If I had antlers like a moose I could wear any hat I choose. (insert picture of a small boy with moose antlers, many hats hanging on antlers) If I had eyes like owls do I could see in light and darkness too. (insert picture of a small boy with owl eyes) If I had a nose like an anteater I could pick things up like a vacuum cleaner. (insert picture of a small boy with anteater nose) If I had teeth like a crocodile I could charm you with my smile. (insert picture of a small boy with crocodile teeth) If I had a neck like a giraffe I could see over trees, imagine that! (insert picture of a small boy with a giraffes neck) If I had wings like a butterfly I could soar up into the sky. (insert picture of a small boy with butterfly wings) If I had arms like an orangutan I could reach most anything. (insert picture of a small boy with orangutan arms) If I had claws like a grizzly bear I could use my hands to comb my hair. (insert picture of a small boy with bear claws) If I had a pouch like a kangaroo I could carry my books back and forth to school. (insert picture of a small boy with a kangaroo pouch) If I had a tail like a chimpanzee I could swing from tree to tree. (insert picture of a small boy with a monkeys tail) If I had legs like an osterich I could leap a fence or leap a ditch. (insert picture of a small boy with osterich legs) If I had webbed feet like a goose I could swim the sea and oceans too. (insert picture of a small boy with webbed feet) If I had all these things I wish I'd end up looking just like THIS!!! (insert picture of a small boy with all the above things)

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I Beaned Santa With A Snowball (really a song, I have the music somewhere) Yesterday our mother took us shopping The streets were all aglow with Christmas lights Everyone was signing Christmas Carols Like Tannenbaum, Noel and Holy Night. I was on my very best behavior Like every other day so far this year. I was aiming for the perfect record With Christmas time oh so very near. I'd been a good boy, I hugged my sister, When Grandma came to town I even kissed her. I tried hard as I could To be so very good So I won't end up with a lump of coal. Everything was going very smoothly It felt so good to see my goal in sight. I believed that I could last till Christmas Until my brother picked a snowball fight. We went running in-between the shoppers Where the Santa on the corner could not see. Everyone tried dodging all our snowballs But they were targets just like you and me. And then it happened Complete disaster My brother ducked when he Should have been plastered I watched in shocked despair As that missle split the air Heading for that jolly man in red. And I beaned Santa with a snowball Right in the middle of his nose..Ho..Ho..Ho..Ho! I hope he didn't see That snowball came from me With Christmas time oh so very close. I quickly hid behind my mother's coattails Embarassed by the foolish thing I'd done. I hoped my snowball did not hurt dear Santa And more importantly He never knew where it came from. As we went home I made myself a promise Never again to play so carelessly I was hoping I would be forgiven After all this was Christmas eve. But I was worried I had it coming Whatever Santa brought me Christmas morning. My brother laughed at me As I tried to fall asleep Knowing I would get a lump of coal. Because, I beaned Santa with a snowball Right in the middle of his nose..Ho..Ho..Ho..Ho! I hope he doesn't see That snowball came from me With Christmas time oh so very close. Oh, I beaned Santa with a snowball Right in the middle of his nose..Ho..Ho..Ho..Ho! I hope he doesn't see That snowball came from me With Christmas time oh so very close.
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