Meet me at noon o’clock At the corner of Walk and Don’t Walk I’m the one that sounds like a clock Because I make a tic when I talk. Tic-Toc--Tick-Tock--Tic-Talk. Standing in the alley With Billie-Sue and Sally We won’t dilly-dally On our way to Cal-E-forn- I - A. Eye-aye--ay-eh--I-A. Way down yonder in the everglades Sipping lemonade in the evening shade. A crocodile smiles at me and you In a way that only they can do. Dew-due-do. Dew-due-do-dew. Laying on my pillow Beneath a weeping willow As clouds begin to billow They look like an armadillo. Low-lo-low. Lo-low-lo-low. If pigeons had a smidgeon of intelligence or sense And they catch you by a statue as you lean against a fence Have you heard that these birds do not discriminate? They cover you with what was once was it was they ate. Eight-ate-eight. Ate-eight-ate-eight. Wetter is not better if it rains upon your head And the water could be hotter if you have a bath instead. If you stop to catch raindrops they’ll soak you through and through You’ll catch the rain and a cold; perhaps the sniffles too. Two-to-too. Two-to-too-two. My rabbit has a habit of hopping on my bed With ears like those you’d think he’d hear every word I said. I told him not to do it even though he thinks it’s fun But all my words go in one ear and out the other one. Won-one-won. One-won-one-won. My loafers look like gophers and my sneakers look like clowns And the zippers on my slippers are for ever zipping down. Kangaroos in running shoes are pounding at my door. When I answer, they won’t tell me who they’re looking for. Four-fore-for. Four-fore-for-four. The Yeti eats spaghetti Yet he won’t eat till he’s ready. This may sound kind of petty But that’s the way that Yetis getti. Tea-tee-tea. Tee-tea-tee-tea. LLamas wear pyjamas when they sleep out in the cold And the grammy in my family likes to knit but she needs wool So, gramma shears the llamas as they sleep so they can’t bite That’s why llamas wear pyjamas each and every night. Knight-night-knight. Night-knight-night-knight. Chester was a jester in his classroom at the school Molly Brown was a clown, she always played the fool Together in the morning they would always show up late. When school got out they had detention, so they had to wait. Weight-wait-weight. Wait-weight-wait-weight. If you get in my way, weigh-whey-way You will hear me say "Hey!", hay-hey-hay. For shame, for shame on you, ewe-you-ewe. I’m so sad I’m turning blue, blew-blue-blew. If it snows upon your toes in the coldest winter season And your nose gets kind of froze by the wind for no good reason Remember in December to bundle up real tight If you can barely move you’ll know that you have dressed up right. Write-right-write. Right-write-right-write. People think I’m a kook Because I write gobble-dee gook I’ll prove it’s not a fluke When I put it in my buke. OOPS! I meant to say book not buke. Silly me. Hmmm! Maybe I am a kook afterall. Oh well. Goodbye. Buy-by-bye. Buy-by-bye-buy.